Friday, October 19, 2012

Page 8 lined! :D


An update! A SIGN OF THE END! But seriously, sorry for the spotty updates. Real life issues tend to take up way too much time.



  1. Yikes! That horse has no knees! The joint currently at the left front hoof is placed well for a knee, but then missing the rest of the leg; a simple fix would be to add in the foreleg below, with the hoof out of frame.

    'Tis good to see you back at drawing again... hope your real life issues are at least somewhat fun ones, not all work and stress : )

    1. Lol, we discovered RA is not exactly proficient at drawing horses. This page has had the horse re-drawn for the coloured version.

    2. Actually the rest of the horse looks really good! It's just the knees (or lack thereof) that are wonky. Being female, I went through a horse-mad phase as is so common, and got rather familiar with drawing a basic horse. RA *NOT* being female, probably didn't go through a similar horse-mad and horse-drawing phase.... xD

  2. I did rather forget to say, GORGEOUS WORK! ... that was sort of assumed as being said, since your art always is xD I shouldn't forget to say it though!
