Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Move: Successful

So I am now finished with the move, and currently staring at actual real Mountains (Yeah, we don't get those back home). So if all goes well this week I should be starting back on O.P. again come this weekend. And I plan to have some stuff to show off once I get some more done on it.

Thanks to all you patient gals and guys as I have gone through this rather lengthy hiatus, and if all goes well it should be over soon.



  1. Great to hear the moving is done. Means more time drawing nekkid dragon girls! xD

  2. The wind whistles sadly as tumbleweed blows through another abandoned blog :P

  3. Girly! Whee! Another sad thing about RA's being so busy and not updating or Livestreaming is, I haven't gotten to talk with you in a while :(

    RA's scrambling on keeping up with college stuff -- the stubborn man didn't take any time off for moving! Hopefully he'll be back on track soon *crosses fingers*

  4. Don't worry Girly. The hiatus should end shortly.

    I hoped to get more done but the move ended up being a bit more to deal with than I expected xD.
