Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Some thoughts.

Bah, been a really unproductive weekend. Didn't really get shit all done but honestly that's just how it goes sometimes.

The more I look at O.P. and the story for the next chapter the more I realize just how much time is going to end up going into all this. Case in point: the next chapter is 60 pages long, and that's just in script and planning; there is no telling if new pages will get added in or whatnot.

But one thing has been kind of left me wondering, how many of O.P.'s fans are just interested in the sex.

Sadly for those who are not interested in story so much I have bad news, there is a lot of it. There is still sex, don't you worry, but more story than sex. I'm really hoping this doesn't turn out to be a bad thing for most of O.P.'s followers; I'm not sure how it's all going to work out as far as who is and isn't interested in seeing the world and characters more flushed out with lots of romps in between.

I'm also considering doing short stories and such as well, either within the O.P. universe or outside of it.

Just some rambling thoughts as I work. Carry on! :D


  1. I do prefer a story related for the sex, it just feels empty without it.

  2. I definitely don't just read for the sex. Either way, I don't get into sex scenes that exist merely to be sex scenes, with no backup whatsoever. The fact that you bring depth to it all makes it so much more appealing to me.

  3. the other comments are spot on... the sex scenes are great and i love them... but without the story they are just pictures.. the story adds soooo much to them glad you have lots of sotry planned you rock man!

  4. The story and the characters are why I stalk you so religiously. The sex is simply icing on the cake. Good Job, and keep up the great work!

  5. Sex AND story!

    AND! Characters with depth; gorgeous artwork; and dashes of humor to boot. What bits of backstory that have been shown already make me curious, and definitely want more.

    There's a reason why you're picking up quite a following! I'd propose, if I dared ;>

  6. Oddly enough I'm reading your stuff for the story, the sex is just a pleasant bonus

  7. Good! I like a comic better when there is actual character development and...dare I say it...? Plot! Not that just good ol' banging isn't good, but story driven sex is great. That's one big reason why I especially like O.P. is because it has a story.

    If I wanted something with random boning every second, I'd go pull up a hentai video.

    Anyways. Plot + Sex = Win

  8. Well, glad to see everyone seems ok with them storyz in their pronz. :D

  9. +5 for story, keep up the good work men

  10. +10000000 for story, then adding sex gives +10000000 more

    - MichelleBrujah at HentaiFoundry -

  11. Focusing on story is never a bad thing!

  12. Story makes the sex more meaninful. ^__^

  13. Porn for porns sake is really rather boring. Story is required to make things interesting.

  14. Quite honestly, this would make a fantastic foundation for a webcomic, but I know you neither have the time nor the inclination to do so.

    Still, would be a great way to get this out there, and there are a lot of adult themed webcomics that have more story than sex involved.
