Monday, November 28, 2011

Dem Livestreamz


So as you might have gathered from the pic up there, I'm going to be doing a livestream this week. Most likely it will be either Thursday or Friday, depending on my schedule. There will be another post to let you guys and gals know.

I'm not too certain what I'll be drawing, I'm thinking maybe working a bit on some concepts for the next O.P. or maybe a stand alone picture for some fun. Whatever I do it should be good fun I hope.

So watch for an announcement either tomorrow or Wednesday when I should have the day and time worked out.  


  1. Whoo hoo!! Awesome. I hope I can tune in!

  2. Times like this, I regret having my computer out in the general open area of the house... especially since my parents are visiting for the holidays. Eep.

    Time to see if my laptop will handle this!

  3. I don't know if I'll be available, I'm extremely impulsive, but I like to keep track of what I like ^^

    Awesome so far!
