Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas! :D

Or whatever you celebrate! :P

I redid the Rika panel from my drafts for a Christmas theme since I really have done very little drawing this week, but I wanted to do something festive lol.

I promised myself I would not get sucked into SWToR, I swore I wouldn't.... And yet, I have. My younger brother decided I needed it, and so I got it earlier this week, and thus far my very overweight Imperial Agent has made his way to level 20 and a slew of undercover (not that kind perverts) work. I might doodle a picture of him and show it off later, who knows. I just love the fact that I can make a fat man; he looks so much like me xD.

After Christmas Kylee and I are gona get back on O.P. and I hope to be ready to launch the site towards mid to late January; with pages going up beginning in February. 

On a final note, I have 2 commission spots open so if any of you guys and gals want one let me know. I figured I'd offer here first before posting it on HF or anywhere else for you all :P. My prices are a bit higher than they were before, not too much though. If your interested send me an email and I'll send you the new prices as they are now.

Cheers! :D


  1. Dagnabbit, now you're starting to get me interested in SWToR. And I already told myself, no new games. Broke college student budget. No, bad Quats, bad, no new games!

  2. I think Quats is asking for a spanking. Merry holiday Ya'll

  3. Merry Christmas, Reckless!

    And Girly, Quats, and Kylee!

  4. Merry Christmas RA, and TheGirlyShow, Kylee, and Stepopolis!

    ....or whatever else you are celebrating; I know a guy who opened two presents and stopped there -- the second was a fifth of good tequila, and he's currently celebrating THAT.

  5. (Ditto celebrationatory statements to those quiet lurkers out there, too)

  6. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!

  7. REEECK, quit playing star wars and get you faithful harem some fan service!!
