Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Style Tests.


So as me and Kylee start working on all the stuff for O.P. one of the things we began playing with is the style used in the comic. So we used and old character sheet I had of Celeste and we did a few style references to see how it looks. I figured why not share this with all of you so you can get a chance to take a look and give your opinion on which combination is the best.

Personally I'm torn between the Comic style lines and the Paint color style and the Outline style lines and the Comic color style combos.

But I gotta pick one though. D:


  1. Personally I think the paint-style colour is the "better" choice. Her skin seems more vibrant, and compared to the other two it also seems a bit smoother. :-)

  2. If it were line art alone, I like the comic style.

    With the colouring I like the paint style on any of the line art. Though perhaps there is a certain depth in the coloured comic style that isn't in the coloured versions of the other line art. There's something to be said for the judicious use of a little black (or something close to it).

  3. we definitely have to convince Kylee to do a livestream, it'd be a pleasure to watch her paint.
    I am partial to the colored outline on the painting style, but then i also love me some comic style. not so much on the cel style though.

  4. The Girly Show,
    I would eventually like to do a Livestream, but I live in an internet dead zone practically and my laptop is dead too *cries*. If I can get that working properly, I will see about doing a Livestream ^^. Maybe RA and I could do one together to show the whole process.

  5. colour lined and pain style i think looks best imho.

  6. Wow! That's awesome! It's hard to choose, but I think my favorite is 2 - A for. Overall for coloring, though, I like Comic Coloring. I think it looks best with your art.

  7. Seems to me that the Style 3/Color 2 is the better choice.

  8. My personal vote is for the colored lines + painted coloring.

  9. I think it really depends on the final product. If you're going to color each page then colored/paint looks the best but if you're going to mix and match or leave some pages uncolored then I think comic/comic is the best compromise.
