Saturday, December 10, 2011

Page 2 WIP :D

Page 2 Lines yay :D

Alrighty! So I finished the lines yesterday, and spent a good bit of this morning toying around with the effects and the text. The big thing was playing with how to do the narrator's text boxes; which I think this will work lol.

Also, since quite a few people noticed the second panel I think it should be made known that I actually had to make a layer with a big ass black box to cover that panel whenever I wasn't working on it. Every time I looked at that bird's face I began to laugh, which makes it really hard to do lineart just so ya know. The ironic fact that in a comic featuring graphic sex scenes the only time I have ever put in a censor box was to hide a bird has not escaped me either.

As for the Livestream, I think Monday evening sounds like the best night to do it. I'll post tomorrow about the event.

I might also turn on the stream tonight while I work on the Lodoss picture for those interested in watching me do the coloring and shading. I'll be checking the blog as I work today, so if you're interested just leave a comment.


Revised text for EVERYBODY! :D

Hope that fixes it cause it just feels so weird transitioning from this page to the next one without having the narrator end his train of thought lol.


  1. Enhanced BOOM effect behind the bird just makes it THAT MUCH BETTER. I want a coffee mug of this panel, just so I can crack up every morning looking at it. (Hopefully before the first swallow, or things might get messy.)

    Oddly, the last bit of narration ("He won't need clothes...") doesn't seem to fit. It reads a bit more like some cheesy porno website trying to make you click on the "buy now" link. We KNOW what's coming, even if the reader missed the original OP; we don't need a nudge-nudge-wink-wink-SAY-NO-MORE narration there -- it doesn't add anything (and a narrator declaiming the obvious is just annoying). I'd leave it at just "However..." and let the panel speak for itself.

  2. I'd love to watch you livestream tonight, if you do opt to do so! Though if you are working on the Lodoss pic, I might have to take a break for a cold shower. ><

  3. Eep: grammar typo. "Its stated purpose" is the possessive, not "It's". The its/it's thing gets me sometimes, too (and me the granddaughter of an English PhD/professor!)

  4. Lol yeah, I'm gona have to fix that xD.

    Also I'll probably be starting on the Lodoss picture around 9pm CST. So look out for the livestream then. I won't have a tremendous amount of time, so probably only going to have it going for 2 hours or such.

  5. Wait, I'll have to be sure of the time when you do your livestream, because I'm in France, so with in my country, it's something like +9 hours or so, no?

    About that bird, it could have been worse. You could have made him shit (because the BOOM scared him).^^

  6. I agree with Quats about the he won't need clothes bit. It's a little too "goddamn the reader are retards" sort of thing that marvel is adept at. We expect more class from you sir. ;)

  7. Haha, I fixed it. In the original script I had that as one sentence and it was kind of a tongue in cheek joke on the usual overly obvious narrator. But it was a bit overdone I admit.

    The new text in that panel is still a bit of the typical silly Narration, but a bit more toned down. It reads: "That really is the least of
    his problems though..."

    As for the Livestream, 9pm is 2 and a half hours from now. I have no idea what time it is in France, but my time is Central Standard Time, USA.

  8. Livestream has started!

    ...much as I like having RA ALL TO MYSELF (*gloat*)... it would be sad for other interested folks to miss out.
