Monday, December 12, 2011

Page 3 linez! :D

And page 3 is lined and ready for color!

I'll try to get a good bit of work done on my finals for Rigging tonight and tomorrow so that I can do a livestream tomorrow night while I work on page 4. Since it has some pretty juicy bits. *hint hint* ;P

I'll put up a post tomorrow when I know for sure. :D


  1. I love the little funnies you place in your work. The fire breath heart is too funny.

  2. Great lines, looking forward to how this all turns out!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Good to know I've been playing my dragon right.

    Love the little smoke heart! Damn, Raus, you fine!

  5. Yeah, i totally would have had rika's reaction...if i had a tail...and could breathe fire. Not just in the metaphorical sense.
