Friday, December 9, 2011

Page 2 Draft

Page 2 draft, no inks.

And here is a sneak peek at page 2, which should provide some fun fan service for all the ladies. don't worry fellas, page 3 is all about the boobies.

Also, I am considering doing the Livestream on Sunday, or Monday night. I am not certain. Most likely streaming the draft process of page 3 or 4 for those interested. If you want to leave a message in the comments letting me know which would be the better day I will try my best to accommodate so the most people can get a chance to see.

Enjoy! :D


  1. I love how his shoulderpad always resist to the pendant's side-effect.^^

  2. the bird! *choke* i love the little touches you add in like that!

  3. Rauuus. <3 Personally, I vote for Sunday.

    You really make the anatomy look so seamless. I think that's one of my favorite things.

  4. Woo for fanservice for ladies!

    ...though I feel bad ogling Raus now, since I know he gets all snuggly with Rika (and especially since that gives me the warm fuzzies)......... well, maybe I'll still peek, just a leeeetle. Though I have to admit, my favorite is his expression in the first panel. And that bug-eyed bird! *snerk*

    And double woo! Livestream upcoming! Personally, either day (evening?) works fine for me.

  5. Raus definitely has an official fan club.

    And hey, it's not like we don't like Rika!

  6. Had to laugh at the bird.

    And I has so got to get some commission work from you...
